
Thursday, March 13, 2014

diy mini decorated clothes pins


  • Plain Mini Clothes Pins 
  • Decorative paper, magazine clippings, etc
  • Mod-Podge
  • Scissors
  • Pencil/Pen
  • Foam Brush

Start off with your plain clothes pins (I got mine in a pack of 20+ from the dollar store!). Next, decide how you want to decorate your pins. The possibilities here are pretty unlimited. I used different mediums to make mine - magazine clippings, lace tape, yarn, scrapbook paper, fabric, etc. (I think it would be interesting to try out glitter!) Trace the outline of your chosen medium to the shape of the clothes pin and cut out. For the paper materials (or if you decide to try this out with glitter) apply a coat of Mod-Podge to the clothes pin, stick material, and let dry. Apply another 1-2 coats of Mod-Podge to seal paper and create a glossy finish. And that's it! I used these to pin photos of family and friends along a string of photos above my bed!

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