
Sunday, June 29, 2014

diy decorative sunglasses

When I came across this plain pair of sunglasses with a company logo on the side, I decided to try out my own spin on a DIY sunglasses project I had seen online. The original source of my inspiration had glued beads into an intricate pattern along the edges of the sunglasses, and although I still want to recreate that look, I decided to use a tie-dye pattern seeing as these would be a gift for my boyfriend.

While the steps are fairly simple and self-explanatory, through my own trial and error I have come up with a few helpful tips. I began by printing out a tie-dye pattern online (I recommend searching wallpapers/backgrounds to find some plain, HD photos) and traced the edges of the sunglasses. I found this step to be a bit difficult, particularly the arches and curves as the ends tapper. I ended up trimming down as best I could and glued one end down using Mod-Podge. I then glued the rest piece by piece, trimming down as I went until the entire side was secure. I followed up with around 3 coats of Mod-Podge the seal the paper and left a note along the inner rim.

My boyfriend recently gave these back to me asking for touch-ups to the glue since the edges had started to peal. I went back with another coat of Mod-Podge followed by a layer of clear nail polish. This added some extra shine as well as secured the edges in place (hopefully this glue job lasts longer than last time!)

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