Friday, May 6, 2016

scent favorites

Today I thought I would share some of my favorite scents! This honestly may as well be called my favorite Bath & Body Works scents because all but one product featured it from there. But hey, you can't blame me -- everything in that store smells so damn good. 

1. Stress Relief Pillow Mist - Eucalyptus Spearmint

2. Stress Relief Body Mist - Eucalyptus Spearmint

3. Aromatherapy SLEEP Body Lotion - Black Chamomile 

4. Flannel Candle - seasonal: My sister got this for me this past fall and I loved burning it while reading a good book and sipping on a cup of tea. The scent reminds me of my boyfriend's cologne.

5. Paris Amour Candle: A lighter more floral scent. I love lighting this after cleaning my room.

6. Leaves Candle - seasonal: This is the ultimate fall candle -- it has the perfect mix of spice and crispness.

7. Cortas Rose Water: I use this as a facial toner at night before bed. I find the scent so refreshing and relaxing. It also kind of makes my face smell like roses which I'm not complaining about.

8. French Lavender & Honey - Body Mist

9. Georgia Peach & Sweet Tea - Ultra Sheer Body Cream & Body Mist

10. Beautiful Day - Body Mist 

I've been a fan of the Bath & Body Works body mists for years now. They are lighter than perfume but still give you a subtle refreshing scent! 

Thursday, February 18, 2016

valentine's weekend recap

This past weekend was president's day weekend so I was able to visit home for the long weekend!! It was so nice spending time relaxing at home with family and friends after a crazy couple of weeks at school (midterms every single week this quarter!!!!!).

This is the first year my boyfriend and I weren't able to be together for valentine's day, but he surprised me with gifts through the mail, which was almost as good as a real life date. On Saturday morning I was surprised with a delivery of roses, chocolates, and a sweet love note! I spent the day with family and got together with a couple of girlfriends and we went out for an early 'galentine's' sushi celebration. On Sunday (actual valentine's day), my sister and my bff watched the bachelor special (Janner forever) and ate chipotle. It was such a great way to celebrate valentine's day!! I hope everyone had a good weekend <3.