Wednesday, June 4, 2014

diy scented bath bombs

With some friends birthdays coming up, I decided to try out this cute and fairly simple diy project that I saw on pinterest. I followed this recipe that was linked to the Pinterest post, but changed up the ingredients a bit. I made the first few bath bombs using Canola oil as the recipe calls for, however I was curious as to how Coconut Oil would work out. I have found from past diy body and lip scrubs that Coconut Oil leaves skin extremely moisturized. I used vanilla extract and different scented essential oils in combination with food coloring to create these colorful and delicious smelling bath bombs! I left mine in the cupcake molds overnight (over 12 hours), however I did notice that some fell apart when I attempted to pull them out. They were all a bit crumbly at the edges and tops, however some more than others. I think this mishap must be due to different amounts of cornstarch and baking soda used. I started to run low on certain ingredients, but I found that this diy requires specific amounts of both ingredients. If I were to recreate these bath bombs, I would definitely stick to the 2 tablespoons of baking soda and 1 tablespoon of cornstarch.

Featured in photo order from top to bottom:

  • Grapefruit + Coconut Oil
  • Vanilla + Coconut Oil
  • Key Lime + Canola Oil
  • Lavender + Canola Oil

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