Friday, April 4, 2014

diy tea cup candles



  • tea cup (Goodwill)
  • candle wicks (Michael's)
  • pencil
  • yarn and/or tape
  • candle wax (Target)
  • scent (optional)
Depending on the height of your tea cup, you will need to cut the candle wick accordingly. I found short wicks at Michael's, however the regular length wicks can simply be trimmed down to size. The candle wax I used was a mixture between wax squares intended for use with a wax melting kit and the remnants of a few old candles that could no longer be burned. Quick tip - place candles in the freezer for a couple hours (this will allow the wax to harden) and cut/scoop out wax with a knife. I mixed a few chunks from miscellaneous candles along with the wax squares, placing them in a small handheld pan just resting on the surface of a larger pot of boiling water. Make sure that the smaller pot in not submerged in the boiling water. This layering with ensure that the wax is not directly faced with the heat and therefore will not burn. If desired, stir in any scent or essential oil you would like to add a scent to your candle (the wax squares I picked up from Target were already scented). 

Prior to melting the wax, set up the teacups and candle wicks so that you can quickly pour the wax before it hardens. In order to ensure that the wick remains straight, either tie or tap the wick in place by balancing a pencil across the width of the cup and securing the wick to the pencil. Simply pour the wax into the cup (I recommend making use of another set of hands and asking someone to hold the pencil and wick in place while you pour, or vice versa). Allow the wax to dry overnight, but be sure to save some extra wax for the following day. As the wax dries, a gap will form in a crevice surrounding the wick. Fill this gap by melting a proportionate amount of wax and simply filling the gap.

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