Wednesday, September 16, 2015

how to: drying flowers

As much as I love receiving flowers, it always makes me sad when they inevitably die after a week or so. After receiving flowers from loved ones that I just did not want to part with, I decided to try to dry out my bouquets in order to keep them as memories. Although some people think that dead flowers are a creepy keepsake, I find them to be a pretty reminder of the memory of receiving them.  

After a recent family wedding, I decided to dry out my bridesmaid's bouquet and it turned out really well! All I did was take each stem and tie it/pin it upside down. I pinned some to my cork board (this was really simple, but it was slightly difficult to keep them in place) and I hung others by a string from a drying rack. Both techniques worked well for me, and I will definitely use these methods to dry out any flowers I receive in the future! 

And now I have these dead, yet very pretty flowers in a vase in my bedroom to remind me of the wedding!! :-)

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